Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I hav nothing to say...............

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Again I didn't eat anithing since the last post...... I did however drink up the wazooo! Had a nice fk session and then watched a movie I will weigh myself in the morn.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I am terribly angry I need inspiration I tried to show gabos just how seductive I can be and I get rejected aaaaahahh I hate it!!!!!! And to top it of b&b were totally boring today noooooo interest for me today
I went toeat and halfway to eating I puked it al out!!! Its a sign!! I need to continue this fasting

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

With all the stresst going on today it was a breeze not eating today.... I even remembered to take all my vitamins and now I need to allow myself some calorie intake that has calcium since I'm not consuming food and taking ibuprofen for my pains I am weaking my bones so if I hurt myself with a tmble or leasure it won't go well. I'm scared as much as I am not scared but tomorrow I get to weigh myself and c if things are going well I expect at least 5lbs per week if not more. I really forced myself to do things today even tho I felt weak tru the whole day I think a lot had to do with lack of sleep. I will be sleeping well tonight so I expect better performance tomarow.
I didn't post yesterday because my friend begged me to eat yesterday and so I did I hav no idea wat my calorie intake was much less fat and carb consumption nor sugars or proteins. I suk I'm an idiot I will now have to fast for 7 strait days